First- and complete rrecording in different historically inforkmed Instrumentations
Supplementary information on individual areas of special interest
First- and complete rrecording in different historically inforkmed Instrumentations
digital (parallel) Interpretation of Bachs works
digitale (parallel) Interpretation of Works by J.Duphlys
v.d.Gheyn Works in digital (parallel) Interpretation
Haydn in digital (parallel) Interpretation
Beethoven in digital (parallel) Interpretation
The 120 Canons + Fugues
Liszt in digital (parallel) Interpretationen
(in Preparation) rare or never befor recorded Works of the late Romantic Felix Draeseke
Data about Biography and Music of Robert Kahn
the currently most comprehensiv Worklist
contemporary music in a critical kreative Messiaen-Stockhausen-Tradition
Comparison of Orchestral-Sample-Libraies with classical Repertoire